Interactive > Flederhund (Mobile App and Softcover Book)

Flederhund (App) - 2013
iOS and Android App (Children's Book)

Flederhund was built in Unity 3D with graphics created in Photoshop and audio designed in several software. Jeff Murphy and Heather Freeman created the images and text collaboratively. Heather Freeman built the mobile app and designed the animations and sound design, while Jeff Murphy designed the physical print book.

Please note that while this app once existed for both iOS and Android mobile devices, it is no longer supported. Since this project was a "two-person show" with limited external funding, we've elected to twilight the mobile app due to the time involved with coding upkeep. The physical book is still available for purchase.


Flederhund is a children's book created in collaboration with Jeff Murphy and crowd-funded through USA Projects. A young boy travels through central Europe in search of his dog, who is always just a step behind him. More about this project can be found on the Flederhund blog.

The soft-cover book can be purchased here.